Arizona, 22” x 17”, Inkjet print
Billboard, 23” x 17”, Inkjet print
Only In New York, 22”x 27”, Inkjet print
Jersey, 22” x 17”, Inkjet print
Watermelon, 22” x 17”, Inkjet print
“ I have been a photographer for over forty years and have acquired over a quarter of a million images. That seems like enough. Although I received my MFA in Photography in 2020 from a joint program by the International Center for Photography and Bard College, I rarely take pictures anymore.
Gerhard Richter once said that boxes of stored images felt unfinished and although mine are in my computer, I agree with him. As I scroll through my photographs, I think of skeins of yarn and mounds of clay waiting to be made into a sweater or a vase. For me, my vast archives are the raw material I use to create collages.
My collages are handmade. I find one photograph that sets the stage much like the set of an opera or a play. I then cut out pieces from my other images and arrange them on top. On occasion, I add a piece of an image by a favorite photographer such as William Eggleston or Stephen Shore.
My process is joyful. Cutting out pieces of images takes me back to my childhood when I loved cutting out paper dolls. Pasting the items on top each other is playful leading to pieces that are whimsical and often a far cry from the original photographs. Sometimes the collages evoke a story; other times I work more subconsciously guided by color and composition. Above all, I love jumbling together all that I have chosen to photograph in my life.”