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April 2017

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Chris Chernow & Abigail Maxey


brainstorm examines the delicate nature of the brain. Stark white sculptures in prescription vials stand behind medicine cabinet doors. Emerging brain imaging techniques offer source material for larger scale drawings.

Heartwood. Mixed Media on paper. 36" x 24". 2017

Heartwood. Mixed Media on paper. 36" x 24". 2017

Harriet Lesser

The Red Dot

Just before an exhibition with the Royal Academy in 1832, artist JMW Turner walked up to his featured painting Helvoetsluys and added a small dot of vermillion. It was later said that this act showed that “…real artistry lies in restraint and understanding.” The single red dot became a recurring feature in many of Turner’s works. Turner’s red dot, and what it stands for, has influenced Harriet Lesser’s new series of works, which are compositions of both intensity and restraint.

Asterope. Watercolor on Fabrianio. 22" x 15". 2016

Asterope. Watercolor on Fabrianio. 22" x 15". 2016

Elizabeth Curren

Little Worlds: Skopelos Dreamings

These watercolors and monoprints are about space: what lies between earth, sea and sky, off the coast of Skopelos, Greece. At night I dreamed about these spaces and each day I recreated them.


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Keeler presents a series of Jungian-influenced self-portraits that reference male figuresboth historical and fictionalwho seem to live in her psyche and support her development as a person and as an artist. Her hyper-female presentations of these figures in the self-portraits represent the integration of relevant animus qualities into her psyche.



Further Studies in Flux

Klagsbrun continues her exploration of the fluidity of form, the crossing of boundaries, the instability of identity. This series of intricate color pencil drawings involve a cow’s skull, a bird, an orchid.

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Lisa Allen felt compelled to capture the historic moments following Donald Trump's presidential inauguration. These images are a selection of the events of the following two days in downtown Washington, DC.

Earlier Event: March 1
March 2017
Later Event: April 26
MAY 2017