Studio Gallery is open to the public Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays from 1pm to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 6pm. Masks are recommended but optional. To schedule a guided visit, please contact or call (202) 232-8734.
Marking Time: Maps and Memories
Elizabeth Curren
Curated by Gaby Mizes
September 4th - September 28th, 2024
Out of Bounds Solar Eclipse 2024 by Elizabeth Curren
Times, places and memories are a strong influence in my life as an artist and as an individual. This exhibit presents each of my pieces as markers in this personal timeline. Here, collage is not only a technique but is a metaphor, connecting these themes which are central to my work as an artist. Moreover printmaking, drawing and painting, along with incorporating found images, allows me to create layers, and add texture while using these elements in both my artist’s books and two-dimensional pieces.
The artist’s books examine synesthesia, stellar cartography, and an imaginary language. Two artist’s books portray the vividness of colors in memory; Canson paper provides the needed intensity, and each page is edged with screen-printed paper as well as watercolor and gouache squares chosen to match the shades from the Crayola box of childhood. Time spent observing the night skies, and growing up with the space program, engenders imagined constellations and galaxies in two books produced in collaboration with bookbinder, Jane Griffith. The repairs to the streets in a beach community have their own artistry: swirls and loops that seem so intentional that it is as if there is a secret language that has been embedded into the road’s surface.
The two-dimensional collage pieces freeze moments and events that influence my view of the world, whether it be the excitement of watching sailboats competing under a full moon on Narragansett Bay; the harrowing moment of being in a room struck by lightning; chasing solar and lunar eclipses; or the experience of avoiding the supernatural nemesis of my childhood. Since collaborative work is a key part of artmaking, many elements in the collages are recycled from former collaborations, or are objects and ephemera, all of which hold personal meaning.
Each work is a narrative in my timeline.
First Friday:
Friday, Sept 6th
6-8 pm
Opening Reception & Artist Talk:
Saturday, Sept 14th
4-6 pm
Gallery Meet and Greet:
Wednesday, Sept 18th
1-6 pm
Third Thursday Meet and Greet:
Thursday, Sept 19th
5-6 pm
Art All Night:
Saturday, Sept 28th
7 pm- 12 am
In the Lower Gallery
Microchips and Memory
Carolee Jakes
Curated by Gaby Mizes
September 4th - September 28th, 2024
Wherever you go… by Carolee Jakes
The work in this show combines old and new; techniques of the past and technologies of the present. All come together when we gather memories, consider how we connect with one another, and look toward our future. The constructions begin simply, then build layer upon layer, finding connections and expanding, intertwining images from memory with components of modern life.
First Friday:
Friday, Sept 6th
6-8 pm
Opening Reception & Artist Talk:
Saturday, Sept 14th
4-6 pm
Third Thursday:
Thursday, Sept 19th
5-6 pm
Art All Night:
Saturday, Sept 28th
7 pm- 12 am
When Time Is a Keyhole
Irene Pantelis
Curated by Aneta Georgievska-Shine
September 4th - September 28th, 2024
Leaf-Hole I by Irene Pantelis
“The works in this show were inspired by my houseplants and their quiet presence in my home. I have a ritual of sorts in which I go around the rooms every week watering, dusting, spraying and pruning all the plants. One day, as I swept up a pile of small leaves and roots that I had trimmed, I decided to make prints of them instead of throwing them out. For the next few weeks, I rolled my weekly trimmings with inks, watercolors and acrylic paints on a flexible plate, testing various natural and synthetic papers. As I worked, I noticed that the trimmings only made clear imprints when fresh. Trimmings that were more than a few days old left a ghostly impression or white cutout instead. Using the monoprints as an initial record, I built on the works with my mark making, occasionally cutting and reassembling them into collages. I found myself grappling with how elusive imprinting can be, hard to form, hard to preserve, like memory and recollections. And yet, the silent silhouettes of the leaves and roots that failed to imprint, like keyholes, revealed the exact shape of what was missing, somehow giving me an assurance that those who came before us might have built doors, but also left us the keys."
First Friday:
Friday, Sept 6th
6-8 pm
Opening Reception & Artist Talk:
Saturday, Sept 14th
4-6 pm
Third Thursday:
Thursday, Sept 19th
5-6 pm
Art All Night:
Saturday, Sept 28th
7 pm- 12 am
In the Garden Gallery
Divine Release
Olivia Bruce
Curated by Deborah Addison Coburn and Miriam Keeler
September 4th - September 28th, 2024
Untitled by Olivia Bruce
Olivia Bruce captures the fluidity of the body in each painting, using watercolor and sumi-e techniques to convey movement and emphasize the beauty of skin tones through layers of blue, red, and yellow. Her work begins to narrate a tale of physical and spiritual freedom, portraying subjects with a blend of purity, vulnerability, and strength, while showcasing their command over their own bodies.
First Friday:
Friday, Sept 6th
6-8 pm
Opening Reception & Artist Talk:
Saturday, Sept 14th
4-6 pm
Third Thursday:
Thursday, Sept 19th
5-6 pm
Art All Night:
Saturday, Sept 28th
7 pm- 12 am
Tulip Fever
Iza Thomas
Curated by Deborah Addison Coburn and Miriam Keeler
September 4th - September 28th, 2024
Tulip Helper by Iza Thomas
Tulip Fever was a period of four years in mid-17th century Netherlands when a speculative frenzy arose out of the trading of tulip bulbs where a single bulb cost more than a house. This combination of something evanescent and beautiful with a frenzied mania intrigued me and it is what I am trying to show in my exhibit: the singular human ability to appreciate beauty and the fleeting nature of it with our equally human ability to plunge into unreality and illogic. Every painting is a different dimension of our humanity as our little stand-in mannequins tend to and enjoy tulips.
Opening Reception & Artist Talk:
Saturday, Sept 14th
4-6 pm
First Friday:
Friday, Sept 6th
6-8 pm
Third Thursday:
Thursday, Sept 19th
5-6 pm
Art All Night:
Saturday, Sept 28th
7 pm- 12 am