Petrichor: the scent of the earth after a warm rain
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Curated by Gaby Mizes
Wednesday, March 29 through Saturday, April 22, 2023
The word “Petrichor” describes the scent of The Earth after a warm rain: it is the essence that reminds us of our deep connection to Our Planet. Petrichor investigates the effects of entropy on our environment by displaying it’s physical vulnerabilitles to underscore the delicate nature of our surrounding ecosystems. Through referencing the natural processes of dissolution, Petrichor reflects aspects of an existence on the edge of potential demise. The possibility of a future with only remnants of The Earth is real. Petrichor predicts the future of our natural world to be a manmade place where fabricated tableaux memorialize the once common but now extinct. The intent of Petrichor is to raise awareness about the impact of our actions on our personal environments and beyond. With the looming reality of the Earth’s imminent collapse, Petrichor encourages conversations that will animate citizens to engage emotionally to internalize an environmental ethic, and ultimately, truly feel the exigencies of our generation.
Specimen Shadowboxes
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, found natural and unnatural items collected from the Chesapeake Bay and its tributeries.
10” x 10”
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northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, felt bird, river rock
10” x 10”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, fish bones
10” x 10”
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trumpet vine (Campis radicans)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, trumpet vine seed pod
10” x 10”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, sterling silver, copper
10” x 10”
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wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, found broke plate
10” x 10”
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eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, copper, feathers
10” x 10”
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branch (ramus)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, branch
10” x 10”
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box turtle (Terrapene carolina)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, turtle shell
10” x 10”
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virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, opposum skull
10” x 10”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, glass eye, antique fishing lure
10” x 10”
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periwinkle (Littorina littorea)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, shell, steel
10” x 10”
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casting sinker #1
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, casting sinker #1
10” x 10”
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marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, dried marshmallow
10” x 10”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, fish bone
10” x 10”
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green treefrong (Hyla cinerea)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, watering can aerator
10” x 10”
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casting sinker/hook
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, casting sinker with fish hook
10” x 10”
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striped bass (Morone saxatilis)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, turtle shell
10” x 10”
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fruiting spur (twig)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, twig
10” x 10”
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white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, shed deer horn
10” x 10”
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great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, feather
10” x 10”
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cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, feathers
10” x 10”
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casting sinker #2
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, casting sinker #2
10” x 10”
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northern cardinal nest (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, feather
10” x 10”
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cloud (cumulus)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, oyster shell
10” x 10”
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vinea (vine)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, vine
10” x 10”
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pisces (Mantilla triangulus)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, fishing lure
10” x 10”
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ionizing rays
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, feather
10” x 10”
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osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, feather
10” x 10”
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great blue heron (Ardea herodias)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, feather
10” x 10”
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yexyexéscen (striped rocks)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, rocks
10” x 10”
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swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, butterfly wing, steel
10” x 10”
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3-2-1 casting sinkers
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, casting sinkers #1, #2, #3
10” x 10”
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piscis spina (fish bone)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, fish bone
10” x 10”
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T bone
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, bone
10” x 10”
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lapis-testa-tegmine-testa (stone-shell-cocoon-shell)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, oxidized sterling and fine silver, feather
10” x 10”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Wooden shadow boxes, sterling silver, bones
10” x 10”
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The Deadzone
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Found stump, paint, rubber, gold-filled wire, gold leaf, silver leaf, vintage bird cage, mechanical bird, rope, plastic zip ties, feather, stone, and walnut with archival print on aluminium sheet with found picture frame
72'“ x 36” x 72”
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Gone Tomorrow (Crow)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Looped video on iPhone, river rocks, fine silver, aluminium metal
16” x 16”
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Sea Life: documenting the circle of life
Fish Lite/Nite Fish
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Single channel hand animated, rotoscoped and looped video in digital light box monitor
29” x 19”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Archival print on paper
21” x 33”
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Morone saxatilis Series: Momento Mori (remember death)
Animam Agere (one’s last breath)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Archival metal prints
17” x 21”
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Mors Vincit Omnia (death conquers all)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Archival metal prints
17” x 21”
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Mortifer (lethal)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Archival metal prints
17” x 21”
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Actiniaria anthozoa (blue sea anemone)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Digital painting on archival paper with watercolors and ink
4” x 4”
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Tubastraea coccinea (yellow cup coral)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Digital painting on archival paper with watercolors and ink
5” x 6”
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Anthropocene: relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Digital photograph printed on aluminium
10.5” x 10.5”
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Circles & Clouds
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Digital photograph printed on aluminium
10.5” x 10.5”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Digital photograph printed on aluminium
10.5” x 10.5”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Digital photograph printed on archival paper
9.5” x 9.5”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Digital photograph printed on archival paper
9.5” x 9.5”
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Lynda Andrews-Barry
Archival print on matte silver aluminium
12” x 12”
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Xanthoria parietina (orange-yellow lichen)
Lynda Andrews-Barry
Archival print on matte silver aluminium
12” x 12”
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