Jo Levine
A State of Wonder
Jo Levine’s show was inspired by a quote from the late pianist Glenn Gould: “The purpose of art is . . . the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity.” In keeping with that purpose, her photographs transform details from the natural and man-made worlds into images with a quiet mystery designed to transport the viewer to a serene and wondrous state.
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 28th, 4 - 6 pm
First Friday Reception: Friday, May 4th, 6 - 8 pm
Closing Reception: Saturday, May 19th, 4 - 6 pm
Andrea Kraus
Illusions Revisited
Kraus continues her exploration of Clouds explored from many different locations around the world. She enjoys the interplay of outlined shapes mixed with handmade paper collage. The work includes paintings, reduction lino prints, monoprints, and photographs some cut and collaged.
Sally Kauffman
"New Paintings"
Kauffman revisits "Relaxed States", a series of paintings of Washingtonians listening to jazz on Friday nights in the National Sculpture Garden. The work celebrates pleasure through the sensuality of paint and interplay of colors. Almost human scale figures painted in saturated, flowing color on large format canvas entice the viewer to engage in their own narrative.
Garden Gallery
Micheline Klagsbrun
This work originated in a found object: a ledger of observations of the 1874 Transit of Venus, a phenomenon occurring every 243 years when the planet Venus moves across the face of the sun, twice.
This object opened up a number of avenues of exploration, celestial and astrological, scientific and mythological. This series of mixed media works on paper is the result.
This series is in progress and will take at least another year or two to complete, but the earliest pieces will be exhibited here.
Yuno Baswir
Yuno's new paintings are the result of his continued exploration and effort to use the act of painting as a way to praise the Creator. There are two main forms in his latest paintings, namely round shape or circular form, and a straight vertical line. These two forms have specific meanings for him. He takes inspiration from rituals in Islam and verses from the Quran, the holy book of Islam.